What does Judaism say about the origin of evil?
What does Judaism say about the origin of evil?

What does Judaism say about the origin of evil?

Evil and sufferingWhat does Judaism say about the origin of evil?

Every religion has its own way of explaining human suffering and the concept of evil. Many Jews believe evil originates from the first sin of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.

Part of Religious StudiesGood and evil – Unit 1


What does Judaism say about the origin of evil?

Many Jews believe that evil originates from the first  of . The  tempted Eve to eat from the  against God’s wishes. Evil then became a part of them and they no longer needed an external temptation to sin. Humans suffered because they were disobedient and so became separated from God.

Some Jews believe that  is not a separate being. For them, Satan is a tendency existing in every human being which tempts them to do wrong.

The belief is that people should accept both good and bad in their lives, as both are God-given and therefore have a purpose.

A person is obligated to bless upon the bad just as he blesses upon the good. As it says, ‘And you shall love the Lord your God, with all your heart and all your soul and with all that you have.’
— Berakhot 9:5

Although God has given humans , Judaism teaches that they will be punished for committing evil with death and destruction. However, they will be rewarded for resisting temptation with protection and prosperity.

See! Today I have set before you [a free choice] between life and good [on one side] and death and evil [on the other]…
— Deuteronomy 30:15-19

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