Du Latin apocalypsis (revelation), itself borrowed from the ancient Greek apokalupsis (discovered), coming from the Greek verb kalupto (to hide) preceded by the prefix of deprivation apo. Literally “un-hidden”, and therefore by extrapolation, “exposed to the eyes”, “removal of the veil”, “the veil is lifted”.
Since the translation of the clay tablets from Mesopotamia and the study of the biblical writings, it has been demonstrated that several episodes of the Old Testament find echo in the tablets written in cuneiform characters. Such as the biblical flood which is modeled on the Babylonian version of the flood found in the library of the Assyrian king Assurbanipal in Nineveh translated and published by Georges Smith, or again, contained in the Epic of Gilgameš (Babylonian version dated from the XNUMXth or XNUMXth century BC), the creation of the world (epic of the Enuma Elish), the creation of humanity with clay, the secret of immortality…
Copy of a Sumerian tablet, around 2500 BC. JC
It is in this continuity that the tablets of Sumer will be inscribed by offering a fresh look at the first chapters of Genesis. There have been many attempts at translations, but the most relevant of all has been that of sumerology researcher Anton Parks. In his work entitled EDEN (2011, Nouvelle Terre editions), while relying on the work of his predecessors (Samuel Noah Kramer, Jean Bottéro, Georges Contenau, etc.), he offers us a translation and draws up a comparison table with what we find in the Jerusalem Bible.
Annotated tablets CBS 14005, CBS 8383 are dated to the first kings of Sumer, at least to 2800 years BC. J. – C. and BM 74329 whose reproduction of this text existed in Babylon during the captivity of the Hebrews, at least to 597 BC. They are the property of the British Museum.
CBS 14005, face a, line 21: “Enlil et les Gods have produced the humankind…they were naked: no clothes was not planned for them “
Gen 2:25: ” the man and the woman are created by God are nus »
CBS 14005, side b, line 24: “We, the Gods, we changed it, we have it wrought… and told him to stand in the clay »
Gen 2: 7: ” God modeled the man with the clay from the ground and man became a living being ”
CBS 14005, side b, line 21: ” The herds from the enclosure …the man foreigners named and counted them a lot “
Gen 2:20: ” The man give some The first name and to all the cattle, to the birds of the sky and to all wild beasts ”
CBS 14005, side b, line 29: “They were two people. At any place, the man made noise. His wife performed his high service picking rations. Alas, she accompanied him “
Gen 2:25 and 3: 6: “ The man and woman are two people. The woman accompanies the man in the garden. The woman goes gather the forbidden fruit ”… (EDEN, p.143)
CBS 8383-a, column 2: “At that time, the man produced nothing ».
Gen 2: 5: “… There is had no man to cultivate the ground ”(EDEN, p.110)
BM 74329: ” 7 generations de divinities, 7 creation cycles before the coming of the god An (u) and its Anunna »
Gen 1: 1 to 2: 3: “the 7 days of creation of Elohim before the coming of YHW and Angels (EDEN, 65)
The goal here is not to present all the similarities but just to highlight the fact that several millennia before the writing of the Old Testament and the New Testament began, a story quite similar to that of Genesis already existed and was even transcribed on clay tablets. Some might say that this is not surprising since the divine word is multiple in its manifestation and therefore that we would have here, the first beginnings of what would become the Bible later. So that basically “God” wanting to centralize biblical knowledge to spread it more easily would have decided through “inspired” men to transmit his word again in condensed form. To those, we could answer, yes why not.
Unfortunately, the equation is not so simple, indeed, those who will have been attentive noted that where the Bible speaks of “God”, the Sumerians refer to gods, as it is customary to present what comes. from the past as being marked with the seal of ignorance, one might conclude that the Sumerians lacked vigilance in describing the divine. Yet this plural exists where many people absolutely do not suspect it, in the Hebrew version of the Old Testament.
There are 14 main French readings of the Bible, 12 agree on the use of the term “God” while 2 others (translation by Dhorme and by Chouraqui) give the name used in the Hebrew texts “Elohim”. Now Elohim is not God for 3 reasons.
1 – The word “God” comes from the Latin Deus, itself from the Indo-European root dei “to shine” used to designate the luminous sky, the light of the sun. Its sacred meaning only appears when it is associated with the Greek divinity Zeus, pronounced ZE-OUS and whose genitive is Dios. It will appear in the French language in the 9th century. He is therefore a bastard linguistically.
2 – Elohim is a plural, indeed in Hebrew the particle “im” is the mark of the plural. Elohim is the plural of Eloha which is simplified by EL.
What does the Larousse Dictionary (1965 edition) tell us: “Elohim, Hebrew word (..) plural of El or Eloha…” And the 2012 Larousse Online Dictionary:
“Elohim: plural of Eloha, which means ‘God’”.
It will be noted that the quotation marks of the word God in the second definition. A way of saying, to take with tweezers.
3 – Since it is admitted that it is in Hebrew that the part corresponding to the Old Testament of the Bible was written. It is important to take into account certain rules, in fact translating from Hebrew is not translating from English, even less when it comes to sacred texts dictated by God himself. The Tanakh which designates the Hebrew Bible is a consistent set, which according to the rule of gematria attributes to each word the role of a key allowing to solve an arithmetic equation.
What is gematria?
It is a rule which associates a numerical value with a letter, so that in Hebrew the gematric value of the word father is 3 and that of the word mother 41, the sum 44 corresponding to the value of the word son.
So to replace the word Elohim which is a plural by a singular word which more is has no etymological relation with the latter when one knows the gematria, it is to bring a counter meaning to a story which wants to be however sacred.
You should know that in Sumerian, ÀDAM means “Animals, beasts”, EDEN, “Back of the mountain”, refers to a plain in which the ÀDAM had to work for the Sumerian gods.
Gen 2:15 “And Jehovah God then took the man and set him in the garden of Eden to cultivate it and to take care of it” (New World)
In the Bible man is also taken to work in the Garden of Eden, in fact he only exists because there was no one to cultivate the land as this passage says:
Gen 2: 5 “… Jehovah God did not make it rain on the earth, and there were no men to till the ground” (New World)
Note that in Hebrew Eden means Garden, it is therefore very particular to translate the Hebrew term Eden by Garden of Eden.
If we dwell on the etymology of the word paradise, which comes from the Latin paradisus, from the Greek paradeisos which meant when it was borrowed from the Persian pardez “an enclosed park where wild animals are found” and that there is Add to this the translations of certain biblical words echoing in Sumerian, we find the concept of Sumerian EDEN.
GÀN EDEN “The field of the back of the mountain”, it is interesting to note that in Hebrew GAN EDEN means “garden of delights”.
Another disturbing fact and not the least the Bible tells us, through Gen 1:27 “And God began to create man in his own image, in the image of God he created him: male and female he created them” ( New World), that man and woman already existed before Gen 2: 7. While we are biblically presented with Adam as the first man, Sumer again comes to lift a veil, in effect:
BM 74329: “7 generations of divinities, 7 cycles of creation before the coming of the god An (u) and his Anunna”
As the translation of the tablet shows, the 7 biblical days among the Sumerians correspond to a succession of generations, and with each cycle something more was brought to creation. For the Sumerians, it was An through his son Enlil who created EDEN, but not the first men who already populated the earth when he arrived. It is interesting to observe that in the New World translation, Jehovah’s name first appears after the 7th day. Coincidence of translators?
Anyway, in view of the elements presented, Biblical Genesis carries the odor of plagiarism (again), and also of the most beautiful disinformation that the Bible can offer us with the substitution of the term Elohim, a plural, by a singular name whose representation God does not refer to the same dimension.
Why have so many never heard of all this when the contents of the Sumerian tablets have been known for a while?
Because at first, very few Christians bothered to take a look at the source documents of their Bibles. Belief based on an act of faith which is opposed in a certain way to critical thinking and questioning, this in itself is not surprising, it is very inappropriate to question part of the Bible and accept the rest since the whole Bible is presented as a block conveying the divine word. If we admit that only one line is wrong, we call into question the entire book. It is also on this point that the new Christian branches that appeared in the 19th Century (Mormon, Jehovah’s Witness, etc.) are based, each one declares itself as conveying the true biblical message, thus introducing their translation of the Bible and a teaching based on this new Bible. Obviously, members must find consistency in it since the Bible is personalized, it is easy to claim in front of members to be right and others to be wrong …
Also it should be known that the large archaeological research centers are financed by large Christian investors who do not intend that the authenticity of their work be called into question, thus exerting pressure on researchers who need a subsidy. to walk in the direction imposed on them is very “Christian”, this need for control of information and knowledge, and in view of the contradictions and other sources highlighted, we can understand why. In fact, this is how research has generally always functioned, investors silence those who contradict their vision and give resonance to those who confirm their vision, in terms of history the latest case is that of the ‘Pharaonic Egypt.
Indeed, since the first Napoleonic expeditions (1798) and the study of the testimonies of Greek contemporaries, it is known from an elite that Pharaonic Egypt until the dynasty of the Ptolemy is of Negro-African origin, however Today we continue to see representations of Pharaohs or other pre-Ptolemic characters represented with Semitic features. It is easy when we look at the context of the time to understand the consequences of such truths. Imagine Napoleon and his slave peers discovering that the indexed race is the founder of civilization in which the first Greek scholars such as Pythagoras and others recognize having made their class? A truth to be kept silent. But the stake in Egypt goes beyond this simple historical conjecture.
Pharaonic Egypt symbolizes the crystallization of the Hebrew people in the Bible, who undergoing terrible slavery were saved and guided to a promised land through the prophets of God, unfortunately here again the Bible is called into question. Until recently, Egyptologists had a monopoly on the study of Egyptian sites, giving it their heart’s content they were able to conjecture all kinds of theories based in part on the Bible, from these conjectures that it was the Hebrew people, slave of the Pharaohs, who had built the great Pyramids, to support their theories, they lacked a word, the term designating the caste of slaves, word that until today they could not find and that was not for lack of having proposed. In fact, the reality is quite different, since scientists from all fields have been able to study the field, they are unanimous on one point, the great pyramids and certain large monuments are of such a technical feat that if we wished them to remake with the same precision with the materials of today, we would need the last cutting-edge tools in each field and that without guarantee of results. Clearly, it becomes very difficult to see in these monuments the work of men and women slaves, that would amount to saying to compare that NASA rockets are built by slaves. What would still be aberrant today, however, is the voice of Egyptologists who continue to be heard.
All this why?
Through a certain number of things it becomes clear that there is information at two speeds, not to say three, at a time when liberal finance returned to money its primary form, that is to say that of information, the latter which has always been vital for any society wishing to continue as shown by the study of its cryptographic systems developed by different civilizations in order to save and protect their information, has never been so accessible.
Today, the internet has blown up the frontiers of information that so-called modern societies have long sought to keep hermetic. It is possible to know places, places, people without ever moving, if you know how to handle this instrument that is the Internet, you are able to drain the right information to yourself. Thus ignorance is no longer the default choice of the individual, but a voluntary choice. Formerly we fought for its dignity, its land, now it is above all an information war which tends to plunge those who will not know how to possess it towards the abysses of our terrestrial existence.
The system of predation in which the world has been immersed for 2 millennia has caused the disappearance of far too many peoples, far too much suffering to end up today in an ultra unequal world. It must stop and it is up to each of us to tackle it in our own way, I started with the Bible, because in my opinion Christianity since the Edict of Milan in 313, which proclaimed this great religion religion of the Roman Empire, propelled Europe into a period of ignorance and nameless conflicts, destroying in the process all the basis of the ancient societies living there, through the papal bull of 1454 gave the authorization to the king of Portugal, Alfonso V, the permission to enslave Africa and the Americas thus causing the disappearance of tens of millions of people, then always at the time of colonization while European societies decided to distance themselves from the Church through several promulgated laws, it was at this time that they decided at the Berlin conference which began in 1885, that it would be good to Christianize all of sub-Saharan Africa, thus destroying the entire base of African societies, already better weakened by 13 Centuries of Arab-Muslim slavery and castration and 5 Centuries of Western slavery under Christian cover, thus plunging the continent into the state we know today, it is paradoxical to note that Africa black has never been so bad as when the number of Christians on its soil reached a historic high.
It is moreover time for this continent to accept to look at reality, if capitalist and predatory Europe made a “gift” of the Bible to black Africa it is certainly not to be of service or because ‘she was convinced of the usefulness of this book, to be convinced of it, one can take a look at the speech of Leopold II, King of the Belgians during the colonial era. And it would be pretentious on the part of black Africa to claim to understand better than Europe the foundations of a book that was imposed on it by the murder, rape and submission of their grandparents.
The more time passes and the more the untruths on this continent are expressed and demonstrated, it is now up to this African to choose either to remain in the expectation of a biblical salvation and therefore to embrace the rules of the game of this system of predation, either to take all his courage to the body and to look with a critical eye at his history, to dust it off in order to get rid of the conceptual chains with which we have put him out of the course of time giving him permanently the illusion of having always lagged behind in the race for civilizations.
It is not simply a question of shedding a heavy colonial heritage in order to lock ourselves in a blind traditionalism but also to reconsider our historical spiritual base, to give it back its lost relevance, to leave mysticism to find this Science that ancestors were able to express with the constant desire to imprint the combination of Truth-Justice-Order-Harmony crystallized in the Mâat.
Like the American Indians, during their genocide programmed by the American state, who never ceased to warn the one they called “the white man” about his attitude towards the environment, what the latter hardly seems to understand today, Africa has many things to remind the world.
To Kaptué Tokam
Anton Parks, “Eden”, 2011, Éditions Nouvelle Terre Samuel Noah Kramer, “The story begins in Sumer”, 1993, Flammarion
Cheikh Anta Diop, “Nations, Nègres et Culture”, 1954, African Presence
Cheikh Anta Diop, “Civilization ou Barbarie”, 2001, African Presence Assani Fassassi, “The sin of the Pâpe against Africa”, 2004, Al Qalam
Roger Vigneron, “Elohim”
Jacques Grimault, “The Revelation of the Pyramids” New World, “The Holy Scriptures”, 1995 Revised Edition, Watchtower Bible Society of New York, Inc.
Eden: The Sumerian Version of Genesis
🛒 I order mine 👇
Release Date | 2021-04-23T00:00:01Z |
Language | French |
Number Of Pages | 270 |
Publication Date | 2021-04-23T00:00:01Z |
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