Searching for the Temple of King Solomon
Searching for the Temple of King Solomon

Searching for the Temple of King Solomon


Searching for the Temple of King Solomon
How the ’Ain Dara temple in Syria sheds light on King Solomon in the Bible and his famous temple

Biblical Archaeology Society Staff June 19, 2022 3 Comments 88414 views Share
For centuries, scholars have searched in vain for any remnant of Solomon’s Temple. The fabled Jerusalem sanctuary, described in such exacting detail in 1 Kings 6, was no doubt one the most stunning achievements of King Solomon in the Bible, yet nothing of the building itself has been found because excavation on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount, site of the Temple of King Solomon, is impossible.

Fortunately, several Iron Age temples discovered throughout the Levant bear a striking resemblance to the Temple of King Solomon in the Bible. Through these remains, we gain extraordinary insight into the architectural grandeur of the building that stood atop Jerusalem’s Temple Mount nearly 3,000 years ago.

Ain Dara temple
The black basalt ruins of the Iron Age temple discovered at ’Ain Dara in northern Syria offer the closest known parallel to the Temple of King Solomon in the Bible. Photo: Ben Churcher.

As reported by archaeologist John Monson in the pages of BAR, the closest known parallel to the Temple of King Solomon is the ’Ain Dara temple in northern Syria. Nearly every aspect of the ’Ain Dara temple—its age, its size, its plan, its decoration—parallels the vivid description of the Temple of King Solomon in the Bible. In fact, Monson identified more than 30 architectural and decorative elements shared by the ’Ain Dara structure and the Jerusalem Temple described by the Biblical writers.

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Temple of King Solomon is similar to Ain Dara Temple
The ’Ain Dara temple and the Biblical Temple of King Solomon share very similar plans. Images: Ben Churcher.

The similarities between the ’Ain Dara temple and the temple described in the Bible are indeed striking. Both buildings were erected on huge artificial platforms built on the highest point in their respective cities. The buildings likewise have similar tripartite plans: an entry porch supported by two columns, a main sanctuary hall (the hall of the ’Ain Dara temple is divided between an antechamber and a main chamber) and then, behind a partition, an elevated shrine, or Holy of Holies. They were also both flanked on three of their sides by a series of multistoried rooms and chambers that served various functions.

Even the decorative schemes of ’Ain Dara temple and the temple described in the Bible are similar: Nearly every surface, both interior and exterior, of the ’Ain Dara temple was carved with lions, mythical animals (cherubim and sphinxes), and floral and geometric patterns, the same imagery that, according to 1 Kings 6:29, adorned the Temple of King Solomon in the Bible.

It is the date of the ’Ain Dara temple, however, that offers the most compelling evidence for the authenticity of the Biblical Temple of King Solomon. The ’Ain Dara temple was originally built around 1300 B.C. and remained in use for more than 550 years, until 740 B.C. The plan and decoration of such majestic temples no doubt inspired the Phoenician engineers and craftsmen who built Solomon’s grand edifice in the tenth century B.C. As noted by Lawrence Stager of Harvard University, the existence of the ’Ain Dara temple proves that the Biblical description of Solomon’s Temple was “neither an anachronistic account based on later temple archetypes nor a literary creation. The plan, size, date and architectural details fit squarely into the tradition of sacred architecture from north Syria (and probably Phoenicia) from the tenth to eighth centuries B.C.”

Gigantic Footprints at Temple entrance
Gigantic footprints belonging to the resident deity were carved at the temple’s entrance. Photo: A.M. Appa.

Certain features of the ’Ain Dara temple also provide dramatic insight into ancient Near Eastern conceptions of gods and the temples in which they were thought to reside. Carved side-by-side in the threshold of the ’Ain Dara temple are two gigantic footprints. As one enters the antechamber of the sanctuary, there is another carving of a right foot, followed 30 feet away (at the threshold between the antechamber and the main chamber) by a carving of a left foot. The footprints, each of which measures 3 feet in length, were intended to show the presence (and enormity) of the resident deity as he or she entered the temple and approached his or her throne in the Holy of Holies. Indeed, the 30-foot stride between the oversize footprints indicates a god who would have stood 65 feet tall! In Solomon’s Temple, the presence of a massive throne formed by the wings of two giant cherubim with 17-foot wingspans (1 Kings 6:23–26) may indicate that some Israelites envisaged their God, Yahweh, in a similar manner.

Lavishly illustrated with hundreds of colorful images and charts, Solomon’s Temple and Palace: New Archaeological Discoveries by Yosef Garfinkel and Madeleine Mumcuoglu provides a new understanding of the Biblical texts, allowing a new representation of Solomon’s Temple and palace as they have never been seen before.

Related reading in Bible History Daily:
Special Report: Current Status of the Tell Ain Dara Temple Between January 20–22, 2018, the early Iron Age temple at Tell Ain Dara in Syria—considered to be a close parallel to the Temple of Solomon—suffered large-scale damage. Read a special report by ASOR’s Cultural Heritage Initiatives that documents the damage.

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This Bible History Daily article was originally published in October 2013.

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Tags: ‘Ain Dara Temple ain dara Ancient Israel ancient israel in egypt Ancient Israel in Egypt and the Exodus ancient near ancient near east archaeological archaeological discoveries archaeological evidence archaeologist Archaeology archaeology review archaeology today artifacts and the bible bas library bib arch bib arch org Bible bible history bible history daily Biblical biblical arch Biblical Archaeology Biblical Archaeology Review Biblical Archaeology Topics Biblical Artifacts biblical sites biblical tarshish biblicalarchaeology Exodus free ebooks from babylon to baghdad: ancient iraq and the modern west historicity of the exodus iron age israel in egypt israelites jerusalem jerusalem temple jerusalem temple mount king solomon king solomon in the bible lebanese cedar new archaeological discoveries solomon solomon i Solomon in the Bible solomons temple tarshish Temple at Jerusalem temple in jerusalem Temple Mount temple mount sifting project Temple of King Solomon the biblical world the exodus the jerusalem temple the temple in jerusalem the temple of king solomon yosef garfinkel
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3 Responses
king solomons temple – Relevant Archive says:
August 30, 2022 at 2:27 pm
[…] For centuries, scholars have searched in vain for any remnant of Solomon’s Temple. The fabled Jeru… […]

Ignacio Gonzalez says:
October 8, 2020 at 11:11 am
Very intereseting. But the temple at Tell Ain Dara does not prove the existence of the temple of king Salomon. On the contrary, the writer of Kings may well have invented its description based on the real Tell Ain Dara temple. If that were the case, the coincidences would not be striking, but completely expected. Without any archeological evidences, it is the simplest and most economical conclusion, isn’t it?

Donald Ashton says:
October 10, 2020 at 8:20 pm
The similarity of another temple to Solomon’s temple only proves that the ability to build such a temple was available at the time.
There must have been the first temple, otherwise it could not have been destroyed by the Babylonians.
Why is there no archeological evidence? Not because there is no archeological access to Temple Mount, but because it was not built on Temple Mount. it was further south but still north of the City of David just outside the present city wall of present day Jerusalem.
The Temple Mount area was the Roman fort Antonio. The building at the north west corner was a watchtower and barracks for the officers. The main stone plateau was the barracks square. It is the same size as many other Roman forts around Europe.

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