On invisible and imaginary friend syndrome. Psychology of Religion 101.
On invisible and imaginary friend syndrome. Psychology of Religion 101.
Posted by lucifer666777 on January 31, 2019
Biblical bedtime stories for children.
On true and false invisible and imaginary friend syndrome. On making friends with Jesus.
True imaginary friend syndrome is always the relationship which you have with your own personal imaginary and invisible friend. Those who have true imaginary friend syndrome are always the world’s leading experts on their own imaginary friend. False imaginary friend syndrome is where someone else has a different imaginary friend to you, or a different and false interpretation of the same imaginary friend.
Since Jesus is the world’s most profitable and popular imaginary friend product in the multi-trillion dollar imaginary friend industry, I am going to use him as an example, but of course there are other less profitable and less popular imaginary friends who are always false imaginary friend products if you have purchased the Jesus imaginary friend product.
Instructions on caring for your true imaginary friend and dealing with false imaginary friends.
Tell everyone about your true imaginary friend. Try to be as insufferably arrogant as possible. Always correct other people if they describe your imaginary friend incorrectly. Tell other human beings who do not have true imaginary friend syndrome that they are going to be tortured in a yuge and bigly lake of eternal fire if they do not have the same interpretation of the true imaginary friend that you do, or if they have different false imaginary friends. Your imaginary friend needs to be cared for on a daily basis, and you need to constantly remind others of the tortures which your imaginary friend will subject them to should they fail to accept your expertise on your true imaginary friend.
Gay and straight imaginary friends.
Jesus, for example, traditionally has had male hypnotists (i.e., the priesthood, the clergy) who have been selling the true Jesus imaginary friend product. Jesus told his followers not to look at women lustfully, to hate their wives and children and to abandon them and to love him more than anyone or anything. He also told his followers to have only one robe, and then later told them to sell their robes and buy swords. So essentially you have to imagine a group of gay men running around naked carrying only a sword; all of whom loved Jesus more than anyone and anything. Heterosexual adult males will always have female imaginary friends and homosexual adult males will always have male imaginary friends. Before choosing your true imaginary friend product, think very carefully about which gender you want the true imaginary friend to be. You can also promote homophobia in the name of gay Jesus, which is very popular hobby these days for religious bigots.
gay jesus
Making money out of marketing your true imaginary friend.
The Jesus imaginary friend product is certainly the most profitable imaginary friend product in the world. In America alone, selling eternal salvation products is worth over a trillion dollars per annum. So you can also consider a career in selling your true imaginary friend product to others and it can be very rewarding. You can also claim that your imaginary friend Jesus can cure leprosy, blindness, disability and death and you can charge money for miracle healings, and if the victims of your scam are not healed, you can just blame them for not having enough faith in your imaginary friend. In this way you can financially exploit the sick, the disabled and the dying.
Evil baby syndrome.
Even if your customers are in perfect health, you can still market your eternal salvation product by promoting “evil baby syndrome (i.e., original sin),” which is the belief that babies are born evil because Adam and Eve were tempted by a talking serpent in the garden of Eden, and that they still need to purchase eternal salvation products from you to avoid going to hell, where God sends all the evil babies to be eternally tortured in the yuge and bigly lake of eternal fire, where there is a lot of weeping, wailing, gnashing of teeth and a smell of hamberders.
evil bab
Internet discussion forums on the topic of religion.
Even if you do not want to make money out of selling eternal salvation products, you can still promote true imaginary friend syndrome on the Internet as a hobby, just for fun, to annoy others and to display your insufferable arrogance to others in public, for all the world to see. Subscribe to some religious discussion forums on Facebook, for example, and proclaim to everyone that you are the world’s leading expert on your imaginary friend and that their interpretations of your imaginary friend are not as yuge and bigly as yours.
Apocalyptic holy war.
Tell others that your true imaginary friend Jesus, is going to return one day as a Christian king of kings (i.e., an imperial theocratic dictator) and that he is going to take over the world and to slaughter all human beings who don’t have the correct interpretation of your imaginary friend Jesus, or who have different imaginary friends or who don’t have any imaginary friends, and that there will be lots of blood and fire coming down from the sky and that many kittens and cute puppies will also die in this genocidal and apocalyptic holy war. This strategy of casting all your enemies into the fire worked very well for Hitler and for many other Christian kings and kings of kings throughout history.
Be good children and one day you might grow up to be like America’s best Christians ever, Donald Trump and Mike Pence, who are the most yuge, bigly, flavourable and hamberder-like Christians ever. Nobody loves the Bible more than Donald Trump, and this must be true, as he has said so himself, and he would surely never tell such a yuge and bigly lie.
nukes 2
This message has been sponsored by the bigly and yuge “Derek Zoolander Center For Kids Who Can’t Read Good” and who like yuge, bigly flavourable hamberders and Donald Trumpisms.
If any Christian devils wish to discuss this, please remember that this is a children’s thread, so no cussin,’ and no blaspheming please, especially blasphemy against the Holy fucking Spirit, as children might be reading.
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The mind of the religious schizophrenic.
Voluntary and involuntary fantasy.
When we daydream or have an erotic fantasy, that is a voluntary dream which we are fully in control of. When we dream while we are asleep that is an involuntary fantasy; it is like a daydream which we have no control over; if we have a nightmare, we cannot choose to escape it even if we want to; it is a subjective inner experience which we cannot escape from; similarly if we use hallucinogenics, and this also seems to be what is happening in the mind of the religious schizophrenic; they cannot control their thoughts and come to believe that they are receiving some kind of message or revelation from an imaginary friend.
Imaginary friend syndrome and imaginary enemy syndrome
All human beings experience both imaginary friend syndrome and imaginary enemy syndrome. In a dream or nightmare we visually see these imaginary friends and enemies and we hear their voices, and when we use hallucinogenics, or we have voluntary daydreams, we can have these experiences while we are fully awake; what distinguishes the religious schizophrenic, is that the person becomes fully convinced that these imaginary friends and enemies actually exist. Many human beings who suffer from this kind of psychosis are harmless, whereas some of them actually have political power and are in control of powerful standing armies and even nuclear weapons and pose an existential threat to humankind.
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